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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Appendix B

Appendix B: The Lord's Prayer in the Historic English Versions

Lindisfarne Gospels, C. 950

From The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels.
Surtees Society, London, 1864. See p. 3.

fad'er gehalgad sie noma o'in tocyma'o
Pater s'cificetur nornen tuum, adveniat
ric o'in
regnum tuum,
hlaf userne daeguhaemlice sel us eghuelc
panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis
j f gef us synna usra gif faestlice aec
et dimitte nobis peccata nostra siquidem
Pe f efns eghuelc scyldge us
et ipsi dimittimus omni debenti nobis,
j ne usic onkedZiu in costunge
et ne nos juducas in temtationem

Wycliffite Bible, C. 1384
The earliest version, reprinted from the text edited by Forshall and Madden, Oxford, 1850.

Fadir, halewid be thi name. Thi kyngdom come to.
3yue to vs to day oure eche dayes breed.
And fore'yue to vs oure synnes, as and we fore'yuen
to ech owynge to vs. And leèd not vs in to temptacioun.

Tyndale New Testament, 1525
Reprinted from a facsimile of the Bristol copy, see p. 7.

Oure father which arte in hevë, halowed be thy name. Lett thy kyngdO come. Thy will be fulfillet, even in erth as it is in heven. Oure dayly breed geve us this daye. And forgeve vs oure synnes: For even we forgeve every man that tras paseth vs; and ledde vs not into temptaciö, Butt deliver vs from evyll Amen.

Coverdale Bible, 1535
O oure father which art in heauen, halowed be thy Name.
Thy kyngdome come. Thy wil be fulfilled upon earth, as it is in heauen.
Geue vs this daye oure daylie bred. And forgeue vs oure synnes, for we also
forgeue all them that are detters unto vs. And lede vs not in to temptacion,
but delyuer vs from euell.

Great Bible, 1539
o oure father which art i heauen, halowed be thy name. Thy kyngdome come. Thy will be fulfylled, cue in erth also as it is in heauë. Oure dayly breed geue vs thys daye. And forgeue vs our synnes: For cue we forgeue euery man that treas paseth vs. And Leade vs not Ito temp. tacyon. But delyuer vs from euyll.

Geneva Bible, 1560
2 Our Father, w° art in heaue', halowed be thy Name:
Thy kingdome come: Let thy wil be done eue' in earth, as it is in heauen:
3 Our daily bread giue vs for the day:
And forgiue vs our sinnes: for euen we forgiue
euerie man that is indetted to vs: And lead vs not into temptation: but deliuer vs from euil.

Bishops' Bible, 1568
2 0 our father which art in heauen,
halowed be thy name, thy kyngdome come,
thy wyll be fulfylled, euen in earth also,
as it is in heauen.
3 Our dayly breade geue vs this day.
4 And forgeue vs our synnes:
For euen we forgeue euery man that trespasseth vs.
And leade vs not into temptation, but delyuer vs from euyil.

Reproduced by permission
American Bible Society

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